Example and Case Study Scenarios

Show. Don't Tell.

Every financial model tells a story. Too bad most of them are written in a foreign language that most business mortals can't understand.
See how different strategic and financial questions can be asked and answered with whatifi.

Why whatifi?

Visual, yet powerful features

Everything about our approach to building financial projections is unique. Hang on... Prepare to have your mind blown.

An image showing how whatifi visually connects together Events to model financial scenarios.
Example Scenario

whatifi hire more salespeople?

Despite what your spreadsheet says - revenue doesn't just magically show up on its own.

We've used an Outbound Sales and a Salesperson Event to quickly model multiple sales funnels, different lead times, customer cohorts and multiple staffing timelines.

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Example Scenario

whatifi lose my biggest customer and can't make payroll?

Show me the money. WHEN your clients pay their invoice can have just as much of an impact as WHAT they are paying.

Timing is everything. Connect Contract Events with your Employee and Expense Events to model out financial runway. Each contract can have customized milestones and payment terms. Spot the problems months in advance.

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An image showing how whatifi visually connects together Events to model financial scenarios.
An image showing how whatifi visually connects together Events to model financial scenarios.
Example Scenario

whatif my SaaS churn rate sucks?

Customers. Buyers. Users. Guests. Patrons. Consumers.

Regardless of what you call them, they are the building blocks of your revenue and your cash flow. Use the Customer, Growth, Churn, Unit Cost and Revenue Events to map out all the factors that drive success for a software-as-a-service business model.

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Example Scenario

whatif we go fully remote and shut down the office?

The world has changed. Should where you work change too? Lose the lease and go all in on remote work?

Import your existing P&L and analyze historical expenses. Use the Import, Debit/Credit, Goal and Modifier Events to rapidly test multiple WFH, in-office and hybrid solutions.

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An image showing how whatifi visually connects together Events to model financial scenarios.

Planning to scale your business? Here are 90+ services and tools to automate your financial workflows.

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